
Navalny's poisoning

On August 20, 2020, Alexei Navalny, Russia’s main opposition politician, was poisoned by “Novichok”. An independent investigation has shown that an entire FSB department specializing in political assassinations is behind the attempt on Navalny. This site contains everything you need to know about one of the most notorious crimes in Putin's Russia.



What happened to Alexei and how the culprits were found.

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Chemical Weapons of the FSB

Who develops Novichok in Russia and how it is used.

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Criminal Case

How Russian law enforcement agencies refuse to initiate a case.

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Hospitalization in Omsk

Details of what happened to Navalny in the Russian hospital.

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Russia’s Position

Statements of state propagandists and officials about the poisoning.

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International Position

Statements from other countries and independent organizations.

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All those involved in the poisoning — with names and portraits.

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